Author: Jim Groom
Virtual Boy for our next exhibit on the 1990s -this thing is pretty crazy. #umwconsole
Back to the Future now on Betamax #umwconsole
Back to the Future now on Betamax #umwconsole
I learned today that Betamax survived as a format through the 80s into the early 90s, as a niche market.
Also picked up this box of Betamax tapes. #umwconsole
Also picked up this box of Betamax tapes. #umwconsole
What is interesting about Betamax tapes is that while they're smaller than VHS, the packaging is the same size. Making the two virtually indistinguishable save for the Beta label or the blue "Beta" sticker.
The #umwconsole is officially in Betamax!
The #umwconsole is officially in Betamax!
I picked up a pretty awesome Sanyo Betamax VCR player today. The Olympics sticker dates it at 1984!